Conferences and Musings.

I just recorded a talk for a in person conference on TMS/neuroplastic pain that will be in Haifa, Israel On July 11th. They have over 140 registrations, shooting for 200, in a very small country, during a challenging time.
In addition, I am preparing talks for the PPDA conference in Boulder, Colorado in September. It will be a 2 1/2 day conference with many excellent expert speakers and lots of opportunities to meet, ask questions, and get to know one another. The focus is professionals-- MD, RN, PT, Psych, LCSW, students, etc. Some patients will also attend. There are approximately 250 spots for attendees. Sign up soon!
Our virtual PPDA conferences have been a big success. They have been recorded and are available at the PPDA website. This in person conference will also be recorded, but the value of coming, in person, is the networking, discussions, social hours, and inspiration from sharing the time with others who think the way that you do about health, about patients, and about healing.